2008年2月28日 星期四

今年的目標 TOEIC 800 分

常因為一些大小事, 就把它忽略了
這次決定, 今年一定要去參加一次 TOEIC 考試, 目標是800分....

因為今年台灣地區也改成考 NEW TOEIC 了
這告訴我們: 今年事今年畢, 拖到最後苦的還是自己

準備TOEIC考試, 最受大家推薦的就是 Longman Preparation Series for New TOEIC 這套書了
一共分成三級, 第三級即 Advanced Version, 內容最難, 適合想考800分以上的人準備
所以我就很好高騖遠地決定買 Advanced Version 來自習了

買這本書也是有一番心路歷程的, 有興趣的人可以繼續往下看 ^_^

Advanced Version 這套書含一片聽力光碟, 台灣大概賣NT$600~700左右
因為我用這個英文書名, 查不到有任何大陸網站在賣這系列的書籍
(無法理解? 大陸這TOEIC這麼冷門嗎?)
所以本來打算從台灣買, 再寄過來北京, 加上空運郵費, 一本書就變NT$1200左右

後來還是抱著 "沒有不可能, 只有不用心" 的決心繼續 google 下去
終於給我找出一個關係就是: "新托业官方考试指南" 是這本書在中國的翻譯書名
所以我再改用這個翻譯書名再去 google 一下




厲害吧?!! 省了不少!!

2008年2月27日 星期三


我記得去年剛來北京的時候, 上班時間去搭車, 通常是被"擠"上車的
上了車也不用扶拉環或桿子, 因為你會被卡得剛剛好, 不用怕急煞車跌倒....

(請想像一下, 車門口和你距離兩公尺, 但在2平方公尺的範圍內全都是人)
其實很簡單, 就是問一下你前面的人要不要下車, 如何他不下車, 通常會跟你交換位置

如果你聽到要下車的人說 "不好意思, 你要下車嗎?" 或 "對不起, 借過一下" (話長, 語氣超客氣)
嗯, 這要下車的人, 肯定是外地來的

如果你聽到要下車的人說 "下車嗎?" (話比較短, 語氣還帶點客氣)
嗯, 這要下車的人, 可能是外地來的, 但是應該不是菜鳥了

如果你聽到要下車的人說 "下嗎?" (簡短有力, 隱含著不下就滾開的味道)
嗯, 這要下車的人, 應該已經和當地地鐵文化融合了, 就像我一樣, 啦啦啦~~~

2008年2月24日 星期日

王胖子驢肉火燒 Baked Cake with Donkey Meat

Before I came to Beijing, I've heard donkey meat is one of famous delicacies in northern China.
I've been looking for where I can taste the donkey meat in Beijing.
In the end I tasted it in a eatery near the GuLou West Street.

Though the restaurant is very small, it has a bright RED shop sign.
So it should be easy to find the restaurant.

HA!! This is the main course - Baked cake with donkey meat.
Donkey meat has a special taste.
I think it tasted like beef a bit, but it's tenderer than beef.
With the CRISPY baked cake, it is a fantastic combination.

I also ordered a donkey organs soup.
There were many kinds of organs, such as liver, heart and intestine, in the soup.
The soup also tasted great, but I felt it was too oily.

How much is it:
1. Baked cake with donkey meat, RMB 4/piece
2. Donkey organs soup, RMB 4/piece

How to get there:
The address is No.86, GuLou West Street, Beijing

2008年2月20日 星期三


而是去省思, 怎麼樣才可以幹上經理?

就是假設他的資料庫有個欄位, 最大儲存長度假設是2個字元
然後使用者輸入5個字元, 按下儲存按鈕後
他問我 Oracle 有沒有什麼 Function 可以把超過2個字元的部份截斷

Oracle 是有提供一些字串處理函數來做這種事
但我很好奇的是 "為什麼要這樣做?"
朋友說 "因為他們覺得要在程式, 寫這些長度判斷, 很麻煩"
"乾脆就在儲存資料時, 直接把超過長度的資料截掉, 就不會爆錯了"
我心想 "拷....真是不可思議的想法, 是哪個天才想的?"
"是你們的 Developer 這樣跟你要求的嗎?" 我問
"對呀, 還是一個經理!!" 朋友回答
"在你們公司, 經理應該都是超高學歷的吧?" 我想再確認這想法真出自一個經理之口嗎....
"是呀, 但學歷好有什麼用?!" 朋友憤憤不平地說

基本上, 這種做法實在是太蠢了
"如果使用者輸入了一串 Simon is handsome 的資料, 使用者也不知道欄位只能存放2個字元"
"按下儲存後, 系統也回應儲存完成"
"下次使用者調出資料後, 發現資料卻只剩 Si 兩個字元的話, 使用者可以接受嗎?"

而且, 就算使用者這樣可以接受(真是仁慈的使用者)
你豈不是要在儲存資料時, 在所有的欄位上都套用截斷字串的函數?
這麼做, 還真是把 CPU 資源用到極致呢!!
朋友說 "OK, 我去說服那個經理"
我說 "你又欠我一頓飯了...."

這種情況呢, 就是在設計時
都沒有站在使用者的角度去思考, 純粹以技術層面來思考

2008年2月12日 星期二

從北京首都機場到北京市區 How to get Beijing Downtown from Bejing Capital Airport

找親友來載(廢話....), 打D及搭機場巴士
算一算, 含高速公路通行費的話, 打D來回機場及市區大概要190RMB....
There are several methods to get Beijing downtown from the Beijing Capital Airport,
such as asking friends to picking you up(unless words....), by taxi or shuttle bus.
I always took taxi generously before, and it would cost me around 190 RMB for the round trip between the airport and the downtown....

想想, 其實也不少錢
Actually, the cost is rather high for me.
I think I need to cut the transportation cost down.
So I decided to try the airport shuttle bus after arriving Beijing airport from Taiwan.

機場巴士的售票櫃台現在是在11號門出口(第2航站, 第1航站在哪個出口我就不知了)
一共有五條線, 一律都是16RMB(算滿經濟的^_^)
1號線, 可以去西單
2號線, 可以去公主坟
3號線, 可以去北京車站
4號線, 可以去國貿
5號線, 可以去中關村
一般大概30分鐘一班車, 坐滿就發車
The counter for shuttle bus tickets is located near exit 11 of the 2nd terminal.
There are five lines and all the ticket prices are 16 RMB.
Line 1 to Xi Dan
Line 2 to Gong Zhu Fen
Line 3 to Beijing Station
Line 4 to Guo Mao
Line 5 to Zhong Guan Cun
Departure interval is 30 minutes and the bus would departure as long as the bus is full up.

結果我就搭4號線, 到國貿中心下車
再打D回我家, 花了10RMB
所以從機場到我家, 一共就只花了26RMB
省了不少錢, 再拿省下的錢去買洗衣精, 哈哈(得意貌)
I then took line 4, went off at Guo Mao and went home by taxi.
Taxi fee was only 10 RMB.
Therefore, I spent only 26 RMB for the trip from airport to my house.
It's super cheap, isn't it? :)

2008年2月4日 星期一

2008 搭春節包機返台

這次趁著春節假期, 返鄉探親一下

1. 不保留座位, 隨訂隨售
2. 不可退費, 不可改期

所以只好訂包機票了, 省得老為了機位在煩惱....

所以雖然是 9:00AM 起飛的飛機
我還是 5:30AM 就打D去機場了
結果也沒堵車, 到機場才 6:05AM (暈~~)

想說沒關係, 看一下國航的 Check-in 櫃台好多人
肯定要排至少半個小時, 早點來也好啦
結果晃了一下, 發現 "拷....還有包機專屬的 Check-in 櫃台"
走過去跟櫃台小姐確認了一下, 真的是包機專屬的
心想 "原來頭等/商務艙就是這種感覺呀"
Check-in 完, 瞄了一下手錶
"Goodness....才 6:15AM, 接下來要去哪? 8:30AM 才登機"

上了機, 可以感覺到國航的空服員格外地親切
所以我可以很肯定這個親切是 "格外地", 不是 "如往常地"
尤其對有帶小朋友的客人, 更是照顧的無微不至
我想對這些客人來說, 算值回票價了

但這次飛機餐比較好吃, 主菜是枸杞蝦仁, 我吃光光
(以前國航的飛機餐我都沒吃, 實在不好吃>_<)
希望國航以後所有的航班都有這種的服務品質, 呵呵

9:00AM 起飛, 1:00PM 左右就抵達桃園了, Only 4 hours!!
要以前的話, 1:00PM 我還在香港機場等轉機呢 (暈暈~~)

回到台灣, 迎接我的
卻是陰雨綿綿的天氣, 真是有點小掃興

2008年2月1日 星期五

Loving in Your Eyes and Sitting Silent by My Side

因為最近, 一隻陪伴他多年的狗也因為腎衰竭上了天堂
他說他老婆現在只要聽到一首歌, 就會掉眼淚
I talked about the pets passing away with my friend.
Recently, a dog that had accompanied him for years died on account of ARF(Acute Rental Failure).
My cat, Ugly, also died by the rental failure last year. What a awful illness!!
He told me his wife would weep while she listens some song.
What's the touching song?

Pround of You

Love in your eyes
Sitting silent by my side
Going on Holding hand
Walking through the nights
Hold me up Hold me tight
Lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart
Helping me open my mind
I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Stars in the sky
Wishing once upon a time
Give me love Make me smile
Till the end of life
Hold me up Hold me tight
Lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart
Helping me open my mind
I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Can't you believe that you light up my way
No matter how that ease my path
I'll never lose my faith
See me fly
I'm proud to fly up high
Show you the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm singing in the sky
Show you the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Nothing can stop me
Spread my wings so wide

沒失去過的人, 就當是一首悅耳的歌來聽吧
I believe someone who ever LOST his dear ones could be able to perceive the song.
Of course you can just listen it as a melodious singing if you never lost someone.

前兩句 Love in your eyes, Sitting silent by my side
Ugly 不會說話, 但它總是靜靜地依在我身邊
我現在才知道, 原來那也是一種愛....
I love the first two sentences of the lyric
"Love in your eyes, Sitting silent by my side"
Ugly cannot talk to me, but it always loved to lean on my legs silently.
Now I just realize that is a kind of love.

Youtube 可以聽到這首歌, 如果你想聽的話
You can listen to this song through Youtube if you want to

Or this hyperlink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICwTjfQdaWQ