做簡報的工具 - PowerPoint絕對是首選
簡報樣板 - 絕對是套用公司的簡報樣板 (就是很多公司Logo的那種)
有一次回台灣逛書店時 (裝氣質 ^^")
買了這本書, 因為內容大多是圖片
這本書因為大量的圖文範例, 所以幫助很大
因為人要學新東西, 第一步就是模仿
有範例, 我就可以模仿, 再進而改善
- 搞清楚對象
這其實算需求分析的領域了 (我的專長 ^o^), 換句話說做簡報前, 先搞清楚聽眾是誰, 他們對內容的期待是什麼? 很肯定的, VP們要聽的, 跟IT Manager們要聽的內容是不一樣的 - 每張投影片都有特定目的
你做了20張投影片, 應該要確定每張投影片要說明的重點是什麼? 又希望聽眾記住什麼東西? 如果自己都說不出所以然來, 那張投影片就可以刪了 - 圖優於文
人類對圖像的記憶力遠大於文字, 我想這是Common Sense了 (請Google圖像記憶法), 所以為何在短短1個小時的簡報裡, 我們要用大量的文字, 然後少量的圖片呢?? - 留白
這跟Zen有關囉, 適度的留白可以彰顯主題, 而事實上像空間設計也是有類似的概念, 把一張投影片擠得滿滿的, 雜訊就會很多, 看的人就不知道重點是什麼, 也看得不舒胡 - 搭配備忘稿
簡報的內容細節是寫在備忘稿裡, 而不是寫在投影片上, 備忘稿可以在簡報完畢後發送給與會者, 讓他們回去細細品嘗
舉例來說, 我有張投影片是要講述客服中心若沒有適當的資訊系統
那客服人員就無法在完整的客戶資訊輔助下, 與客戶對談

也可以弄成一張圖片, 有個漂亮妹妹的Profile

找尋圖片再做文字編排, 其實是滿能發揮自己的創意
就如同書裡說的 "每個人都有創意, 只是自己不知道而已"
因為作者認為現在 "條列式" 簡報如此氾濫
都是因為這工具的範本 (Template) 害的
老師就這樣要求, 老板也這樣要求
Anyway, 工作上有需要做簡報的話
Presentation Zen 網站: http://www.presentationzen.com/
7 則留言:
Thanks for sharing. That's useful!
By the way, I'd like to subscribe your blogs by RSS reader, that will be much convenient for me to read your articles. But I don't know how to add you on my RSS reader... Or, blogspot itself doesn't offer such function..? If it does, would you mind instructing me if you don't mind if I added you to be one of my favorite bloggers? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hello 開心的, thanks for ur visit. YES, blogspot do support subscription function. U can check the left side of the homepage, and will see a gadget named "訂閱我的Blog". I guess U can add the Atom link to ur reader. :)
Thanks for instructing me...
But, after clicking Atom icon, it requested me: 檔案下載...
I did save what it provides, but I don't know how to copy your RSS link in my GreatNews RSS Reader...><... Sorry, I'm a computer idiot...
Or, can you directly give me your RSS link? So that will be much grateful & the most convenientest way for me to add your blog in my Reader (mostly I just copy blogger's RSS link and then paste it in my Reader accordingly, very simple... :P )
Hello, requested u to download a file....it was strange, wasn't it? ^^"
Whatever, the following is the feed URL of mine (I GUESS...):
http://simon-sky.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/defaultPls try it lo, thx.
BTW, I ever used Google RSS Reader, I remember it just need blog URL like http://simon-sky.blogspot.com while adding a site. Maybe ur reader could apply the same way?
Hi Simone, thanks for the link! Finally I can read your blogs via my reader now!!
As for another option about using Google RSS Reader, maybe it would be convenient for adding blogger's link who use blogspot provided by Google, I guess. But, for adding other bloggers whose blog are not at blogspot (such as yam, sina, pixnet..etc.), is it also the same just to add blogger's link so simply? Well, I'm not going to use Google's, just curious & want to learn more about it... ^^
Hello, actually, Google Reader should read articles from any blogs with rss feeds. You just have to enter target blog URL when adding a subscription. GReader then will GUESS the rss URL (Cool?). Of couse u can provide rss URL directly if GReader cannot fetch feeds from the blog URL. Wow~~So loooooong explaination... :)
:P So looooooog explanation...
Sorry for my questions many times... Sooooo appreciated your kindness of every feedback patiently. :)
Uh... well, here another question is coming... :P
Your blog doesn't have a guest book(or, message board,獨立的留言板) individually for us when we'd like to leave messages which irrelevant to your articles?
By the way, I'm surprised that, you rss my another blog(活出...)?! (I saw your profile then just found it out), thank you for the interest & support.