2008年3月11日 星期二

Genmany, Liechtenstein in tax row

只要是有錢人, 都還是有可能想不繳稅

Amid a growing diplomatic row, Chancellor Merkel was fairly blunt after she held talks with the prime minister of Liechtenstein, Otmar Hasler. At a news conference, the German Chancellor called for more transparency and she put pressure on Liechtenstein to crack down on fraud and co-operate with tax authorities in other countries.

German prosecutors have been searching offices and banks across the country, as part of their investigation into hundreds of Germans suspected of dodging taxes by channelling money into Liechtenstein. It all started last week when Klaus Zumwinkel resigned as chief executive of Germany's postal group after police raided his home. Liechtenstein's secretive banks and foundations have come under intense scrutiny.

Speaking in Berlin, the prime minister, Otmar Hasler, was keen to point out his government had stepped up efforts to bring criminals to justice and, he said, Liechtenstein would reform the laws governing the controversial foundations.

German politicians claim Liechtenstein's secretive banking laws have encouraged tax dodgers to take refuge there. As prosecutors continue their investigation, this affair is far from over.
(文章摘自 http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/newsenglish/witn/2008/02/080222_liechtenstein.shtml)

  1. 原來 row 還可以當吵架或爭論的意思呀? (我一直以為只有 "一列" 的意思, 羞~) Diplomatic Row 就是指外交上的爭論
  2. 我還頭一次知道冇 Liechtenstein 這個國家, 是一個逃稅天堂 (可見我不是有錢人, 不然我應該會知道她), 因為她的法律是允許設立私密銀行及基金會的
  3. Channelling money into ... Channelling 就是 Tranferring 的意思, 但用 Channelling 好像感覺比較有程度點, CC
  4. Tax Dodger 就是逃稅的人, 希望有一天我也可以有這個能耐, 呵呵
  5. Chief executive of Germany's postal group after police raided his home. 嚕~~才不過被警察搜家而已, 就辭主席下台了, 實在太不夠堅持了!! 我記得我們的高雄市議員貪瀆案, 被判刑了, 還做到任期滿才下台, 這才叫有始有終, 不辜負選民期望呀!!
  6. This affair is far from over. 意思是 "事情才剛開始, 後面還有好戲看", 這句子要學起來, 新聞報導常會有類似的, 有點小幸災樂禍的結語
