就如同它的英文 - Secret Service 一樣
而印象中, 情報員總是神出鬼沒, 出生入死的
不過最近, 以色列的情報局卻打破傳統....
成立了一個公開的 Blog
然後有幾個特勤人員員會在上面 Post 一些他們的生活故事
The tone is chatty, at times even facetious. The agents from Israel's internal security service, the Shin Bet, are shown in silhouette.
Agent Chet is the sole woman among them. She works in high-tech. She says she went to the agency because it offered her a better work-life balance than her previous job in the private sector. There are parts of her job, she says, which she can't discuss even with her husband,but there again, at home, they don't much like talking about work.
Agent Aleph, dubbed 'the expert' on the blog, attempts to debunk a few myths. "We don't work in a basement," he says. "We don't spend the day wearing earpieces. And we don't get to have flashing blue lights for our cars. We have to sit in traffic jams like everyone else."
The blogs are intended to draw members of the public into other areas of the Shin Bet website, in particular the recruitment section. A Shin Bet official told the BBC that the idea was to inform the public that the agency offers work beyond just stopping Palestinian paramilitary attacks. The official said that the agency had been cheered by the feedback from members of the Israeli public, keen to find out more about the jobs within Shin Bet, the pay and even the food.
(文摘自 BBC News)
- 看來情報局還滿缺人的, 為了招攬更多人材, 還得別出心栽地弄個 Blogs 來招生....
- work-life balance 的意思就是"工作和家庭生活都能兼顧"....做情報員可以兼顧這兩者, 這點我是不信啦!!
- Dub 就是被封為什麼名號的意思, 譬如 I'm dubbed 'handsome boy' ^___^
- "We don't get to have flashing blue lights for our cars", 事實居然是這樣?! 以前就覺得電影裡的特勤人員這個部份最屌了, 緊急的時候, 就可以拿出一個警示燈, 打開車窗置放在車頂, 然後就可以在馬路上狂奔, 大家都要讓他....
- Beyond just 就是 Not only 的意思, 學起來
- Palestinian 是 "巴勒斯坦人", 而 Pakistani 是 "巴基斯坦人", 這兩個字我常搞混 @_@, 說到 Palestinian 就想到 PLO (巴勒斯坦解放組織), 它下面有很多游擊隊敢死隊專門跟以色列作對, 幹情報員?! 應該還滿刺激的....