找親友來載(廢話....), 打D及搭機場巴士
算一算, 含高速公路通行費的話, 打D來回機場及市區大概要190RMB....
There are several methods to get Beijing downtown from the Beijing Capital Airport,
such as asking friends to picking you up(unless words....), by taxi or shuttle bus.
I always took taxi generously before, and it would cost me around 190 RMB for the round trip between the airport and the downtown....
想想, 其實也不少錢
Actually, the cost is rather high for me.
I think I need to cut the transportation cost down.
So I decided to try the airport shuttle bus after arriving Beijing airport from Taiwan.
機場巴士的售票櫃台現在是在11號門出口(第2航站, 第1航站在哪個出口我就不知了)
一共有五條線, 一律都是16RMB(算滿經濟的^_^)
1號線, 可以去西單
2號線, 可以去公主坟
3號線, 可以去北京車站
4號線, 可以去國貿
5號線, 可以去中關村
一般大概30分鐘一班車, 坐滿就發車
The counter for shuttle bus tickets is located near exit 11 of the 2nd terminal.
There are five lines and all the ticket prices are 16 RMB.
Line 1 to Xi Dan
Line 2 to Gong Zhu Fen
Line 3 to Beijing Station
Line 4 to Guo Mao
Line 5 to Zhong Guan Cun
Departure interval is 30 minutes and the bus would departure as long as the bus is full up.
結果我就搭4號線, 到國貿中心下車
再打D回我家, 花了10RMB
所以從機場到我家, 一共就只花了26RMB
省了不少錢, 再拿省下的錢去買洗衣精, 哈哈(得意貌)
I then took line 4, went off at Guo Mao and went home by taxi.
Taxi fee was only 10 RMB.
Therefore, I spent only 26 RMB for the trip from airport to my house.
It's super cheap, isn't it? :)