查到有間叫 The Tree 的店有賣我愛喝的比利時啤酒及傳統爐烤Pizza
Have been Beijing for a while, but I never been to the famous bar street - Sanlitun Street.
Today I was bored and got nothing to do.
From the Internet, I found a bar restaurant named 'The Tree' which provides Belgian beer and wood oven baked pizza.
How is it possible for me not to try the delicacies?
酒吧街, 基本上就是指"三里屯街"
In fact, the Bar street in Beijing means the Sanlitun street.
The consulates seems are located at the northern of the Sanlitun street.
Then there are many and many bars and restaurants opened along this street from northern to southern.
Therefore, locals call Sanlitun street as Bar street.
The Tree 靠近三里屯街南
所以我就從大望路地鐵站, 打D到三里屯街南
花了我15塊RMB, 看來離我家也不算太遠
The bar restaurant 'The Tree' is close to the southern of Sanlitun.
I just spent 15 RMB to the south Sanlitun from my home by Taxi.
So it's not far from my home to Sanlitun that is great for me. :)
去這種本來應該很熱鬧的地方, 呵呵呵
Sanlitun in the daytime is mighty peaceful.
I guess it must be the contrast to the bustle in the night.
And I realized I love quiet rather than bustle while I am getting older, ha.
The Tree 還真不好找
難怪以前店名叫 Hidden Tree (就是不想讓人找到嘛...)
好在我有地圖, 小繞個10分鐘就給我找到了
果然是在小巷子裡面, 就在友誼旅店後面
It was difficult to find 'The Tree'.
No wonder the old name of the restaurant was 'Hidden Tree'.
(The owner may not want customers to visit his restaurant.)
Fortunately, I carried a map with me.
So it just cost me 10 minutes to get the restaurant is located at a narrow alley.
I found the entry of the restaurant finally.
Good!! 這就是用來烤Pizza的(口水都快流出來了)
There is a wood oven in a open space inside.
The oven is used to bake pizza(mouthwatering....)
我點了一瓶QWAK Beer及一份乳酪Pizza
QWAK Beer以前沒喝過, 但之前看過它的酒杯很特別
長得像沙漏的型狀, 所以就點了試試
(題外話: 每種比利時啤酒都會有特別搭配的酒杯, 可是比喝紅酒還講究呢)
用這酒杯裝起來的啤酒, 是不是很像Cocktail呀? ^_^
I then ordered one QWAK beer and one cheese pizza.
The wineglass for QWAK beer is like a sand glass.
It looked like a cocktail when the glass was filled with QWAK, didn't it? ^_^
等了好一會兒, 我的乳酪Pizza才上來
結果嘴巴比手還快, Pizza吃快完了, 才想到忘了給它拍張遺照...
Pizza摻了四種乳酪, 乳酪味道都不錯, 很濃郁
但口味很鹹, 而且Pizza的中間不知道是因為配料太溼還是怎樣
中間餅皮的部份有點太爛了, 不若外圍餅皮的酥脆
不過傳統烤爐烤出來的, 除了中間的部份外, 其他部份都好吃
清一色都是老外, 就算不是老外, 也都是說英文的東方人
我覺得也不需要在這裡去使用英文, 畢竟店員都是中國人
There were not many guests in daytime.
Most of the guests were foreigners and some Chinese that can speak English fluently.
All servers can speak both Chinese and English, so no worry over language while interacting with servers.
酒足飯飽, 看了點小說後, 就離開了
回家的路上, 意外看到了 Le Bistrot Parisien
據說一個 Lunch Set (主餐可以選菲力或魚排) 差不多是 60 ~ 70 RMB 吧
果然是很平價, 有機會再來試試吧
Because I went the restaurant alone, I left it after I finished my lunch and read some pages of my favorite novel.
During my way home, I found the French restaurant Le Bistrot Parisien which has a fine reputation in Sanlitun.
I heard the price of a lunch set with a fillet steak is around 70 RMB on weekdays.
I think the price is economic and may visit the restaurant next time.