加上最近這一兩年, 也發現身體健康大不如從前 (年紀大了 >_<)
我想, 也該是再開始打太極拳的時候了, 這中間已經中斷了兩年....
Recently, some of my friends simultaneously talk about Taichi Kung Fu with me. In addition to, I realized my health is not well as before, and I guessed it was cased by I'm aged. :(
So I sense it might be the time to pick Taichi up again. Until now, I haven't played Taichi for around two years...

花半小時, 先做一點五禽戲暖身, 再打半套太極拳(我只記得半套了....)
持續三個星期, 終於又有氣從手掌指間竄出的溫熱感覺了
即使某天只睡五個小時, 打完拳也是神清氣爽的
人果然還是需要持續性的運動, 呵呵
I get up early at 7 AM everyday and spend 30 minutes on playing Taichi (But I just remembered half of forms of Taichi...)
After three weeks since I re-picked up Taichi, I finally can feel the warm Chi was sent out through my fingers.
I'm spirited up after finishing the Taichi even if I slept less in the night.
Ha, what I think is movement is essential for human healthiness.